Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Am From...

I am from a small city in Georgia with a population of 336, fluctuating according to the deaths and births. It is a city where my parents and grandparents live, and where my great grandfather, great great grandfather, and great great great grandfather are all buried. I had relatives who fought in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and I am related to the infamous Pretty Boy Floyd (of whom my great aunts dachshund was named).

Growing up, I lived within a mile of all my mom's family. We spent Sundays at church, eating southern fried chicken, sweet potato souffle, and homemade ice cream. Then we saddled the horses and hooked up the wagons for a trail ride. We have family reunions every summer, Homecoming at church in August, family dinners at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and pretty dresses on Easter, after a visit from the Easter Bunny.

My grandfather greets everyone (including family) with an introduction to himself as "the chief pea-picker of , Georgia". My grandmother bakes a mean roast beef, and occasionally used a switch on me, but only when I deserved it. My mom's a teacher, and my best role model. My dad raised me as the son he never had-hiking, camping, canoeing, and working around the house. When my parents asked me (at age 10) how I would feel about a little brother or sister, I thought they were talking about adoption. My sister was born just after I turned 11, and so I became a sister.

Travel is a cornerstone in my family. My mother has been to all 50 states, I am one shy. Vacation means getting up early, seeing, doing, driving, packing and repacking, spending each night in a new bed.

Education was important, I went to First Baptist preschool, then the elementary school that my mom teaches at (and where I teach at now), but I was also pulled out of school for trips with my family.

I may not have been born into the lap of luxury, but I am rich with family and experiences.

1 comment:

owlhaven said...

Thanks for sharing!!! I enjoyed reading it.