Sunday, August 20, 2006

My First Blog

Ok, so it's my first time...sort of, I have a thingee at xanga, that I've posted on twice, and a myspace and facebook that I use to make sure my 15 year old sis isn't getting in trouble, but I've never really blogged before. So, I guess I'm not a virgin anymore. Huh.

So, last weekend J and I went and visited his church, cuz it's been forever, and some friends are becoming missionaries to France-last chance to see them for long time :( -and ended up spending the day with his parents. Nice clean family time, going to the movies (saw Cars-great!!!!! except for the 2 times they said Hillbilly Hell-which ruined it for me as a teacher, can't show that one in class) went out-free food-Outback-wahoo! So we're sitting around their house, and my MIL is cleaning out stuff and foisting it on us. So we go home with.....2 oriental rugs, some old model cars, and some books....including....the 1972 paperback edition of The Joy of Sex, and More Joy. Also got some baby developmental books. Hmmmm...wonder if this was planned.

MIL-Hey, let's give them these books.
FIL-Yeah, if they read the sex books enough, maybe they'll have to read the baby books next!
MIL-Nothing else has worked to get us grandchildren...might as well try!

There's nothing like good, quality family time....with some dysfunctional built right in.

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